By Kathy Green
As a newcomer to homeschooling, you may feel a little overwhelmed right now, but HOME is here to get you going in the right direction and moving forward with confidence!
You’ll want to be mindful of the compulsory school attendance law as you plan what steps to take. In Maine, compulsory school attendance begins at the 6th birthday and extends to the 17th birthday.
While you may start homeschooling before your child turns 6, notification and state requirements do not take effect until your child reaches the 6th birthday. Be sure to read about that here.
Once you have determined when you will officially need to begin, take the following steps:
1. Prepare! Read through these ten points to be sure you are making all the necessary preparations to homeschool successfully.
2. Attend a workshop. You’ll notice that the first of the ten points invites you to register for a FREE “Start Homeschooling with Confidence” workshop! These are offered via a pre-recorded webinar that you can access anytime, and at some in-person locations. Sign up now!
For more in-depth preparation, sign up for “Start Strong Maine,” too.
3. Get connected and stay-tuned in. Join HOME! Follow us on Facebook and sign up for HOME email updates, too. You’ll need ongoing support to succeed. For more specific support, join one of our many Facebook groups (for special needs, beginners, early learners, working parents, etc.).
4. Order a Beginner's Bundle! Your bundle will include pre-assembled portfolio. This will take the guesswork out of legal compliance. A pre-assembled portfolio will help you plan ahead, keep records, stay organized and prepare for the required annual assessments.
5. Keep working through the rest of the ten points! Before you know it, you’ll be successfully on your way. Feel free to reach out with your specific questions and concerns at any point on your homeschool journey. HOME’s door is always open!