By Members of the HOME Leadership Team
1. Being present for teens whenever they need you is still very important to them.
Though in some ways they need you less, in many ways they need you more! The transition fromchildhood to young adulthood, and all that comes along with that, can be a little scary. Teens love to know you are always there for them as they learn to become more independent.
2. Your teen’s schedule will be more flexible!
A flexible schedule allows time for opportunities not available to those attending a traditional school. As a homeschooler, a volunteer or job opportunity might be more readily available when schedules can be adaptable. These opportunities often provide experiences for unique electives that can be applied as coursework to gain credit value. A chance to learn through travel is more possible, too!
3. Your teen will have time to develop real-life skills and interests.
For many homeschoolers, the high school years are when those budding interests really begin to bloom! Having the luxury of time to explore, learn and dig deeper into passions may just be what lights the spark for a career choice or lifelong interest. Some even pursue elite opportunities such as research grants, science fair competitions, performing arts or sports programs.
4. You get to be the guidance counselor!
Supporting and guiding your teen, as he gradually finds his independence and way in the world, is richly rewarding! Curriculum can be custom designed. Classes, volunteer work and jobs can all be tailored to interests and translated into credit value. Career options can be explored together. The college search and admissions process can be navigated with your child’s best interests at heart.
5. Precious family time can be made more plentiful and intentional.
The high school years go by in a flash. You can spend that brief time pouring into your child, bonding, and cementing your relationship before the big transition to college, vocational training or career. Siblings, too, build lasting ties when they can spend lots of time together, rather than be separated by months of long days at school.
6. The values you have worked to instill can be fine-tuned and begin to bear fruit.
During their high school years, teens have a chance to demonstrate what they have learned and absorbed during their formative years. Their true character begins to take shape and becomes more evident! This is where love of neighbor, civic duty, community mindedness, work ethic, missions and other good works can be encouraged.
7. Healthy friendships are nurtured.
Peer pressure is most intense during the teen years and often causes great anxiety. Homeschooling, on the other hand, provides natural opportunities to build positive friendships among people of all ages who may even have mutual interests!
8. Your teen’s environment will be safer and healthier.
The reality and presence of bullying, violence, drugs, and alcohol in the schools makes homeschooling a far safer option for your teen. Guided by parents, teens make more mature life-style choices, have better sleep patterns and healthier eating habits.
9. Early college and dual enrollment is an option.
Early college classes can provide dual enrollment and credit, a jumpstart on college and the chance to save on college expenses. Often homeschoolers have more time to take advantage of early college programs than those attending school and are bound by school programs and schedules.
10. Early graduation is possible.
All the opportunities mentioned above can sometimes result in finishing early! Your teen will be accomplishing more and using time more efficiently. Early graduation is important to some, but it’s not right for everyone. The important thing to know is that there are lots of options open to you when you decide to homeschool through high school. Exploring them as a family and treasuring the time spent together is a priceless gift and a tremendous blessing.
The following resources are recommended to support you and your teen!
The Importance of a High School Transcript