Finding homeschool support and building relationships can be a challenge! If you are new to homeschooling, new to the state, or even new to a region of the state, it can be much like moving into a different neighborhood. It takes some time to get to know your homeschool neighbors, as well as what the homeschool "neighborhood" or community has to offer.
As you begin to get acquainted, connections and friendships are made. Often this takes you beyond the neighborhood and into the larger homeschool community to discover avenues for support and enrichment that meet your needs and the unique needs of your children.
Here are some tips to facilitate the process!
- First, JOIN HOME and get involved! Attend HOME events, field trips, hikes, and other area events.
- Don't miss the annual Maine Homeschool Exchange held each spring!
- Join a homeschool co-op, sports program or enrichment activity. Groups often list meetings and activities on HOME's community events calendar.
- Subscribe to our weekly email updates for news of activities and events.
- Join HOME on Facebook. Be sure to join HOME's various special interest Facebook groups, too:
HOME Support Group Leaders' Community
HOMEschooling Special Needs and Gifted
Maine Homeschool Beginner's Support
Working and Homeschooling in Maine
- Check with your local library, YMCA, recreation centers and churches. Often these are places where homeschoolers are gathering.
- Visit parks and museums during school hours. Often you will find other homeschool families there, too!
Becoming a part of the larger homeschool community through HOME will help you to meet others. You may even meet families from your own area!
Be assured that we are anxious to meet you! It may take time to feel at home in your new "neighborhood." But HOME's welcome mat is always out. Our team would love to get to know you and learn how we can be of help to you and your family. Please be sure to reach out when you need to and join us in-person whenever and wherever you can!