By the HOME Team
There are so many important reasons to keep up with your child's portfolio throughout the year!
Here are the top ten:
- Avoids the year-end rush and stress that often accompanies meeting annual assessment requirements.
- Provides awareness of subject areas that may be lacking or need more attention before the year's end.
- Shows all that has been accomplished through the year, as well as progress made (which will encourage both parent and child).
- Guarantees a completed portfolio, ready to submit for review as soon as the school year ends.
- Offers a steady and more relaxed approach to ongoing assessment through the year.
- Gives a child a sense of personal accomplishment since he/she has ample time to select favorite work samples to include and can be involved in the process.
- Provides a way to put order to all the learning that happens naturally through the year.
- Allows a way for others to know where your child is and what your child has been working on (especially if someone else must take over homeschooling due to sickness, a life change, or an emergency).
- Shows concrete proof that you are truly homeschooling, covering all required subject areas, and in full compliance with the law if officials come knocking.
- Provides a complete picture of your child’s academic progress and level of ability if you ever must put your child back in school.
A HOME pre-assembled portfolio is the perfect resource to take the guesswork out of the process of keeping up with, assembling and maintaining your child's portfolio through the year.
NOTE: if your child has trouble reading, writing or completing workbook pages, or has difficulty in other areas, consider the pre-assembled portfolio for special needs students. By including more journal logs, photographs and dictation pages, as well as modified subject cover pages, and special needs introductory pages, you can easily demonstrate what your child has covered, and the progress made.
Once complete, you will know for certain that your portfolio meets the requirements of the law and is ready for a review!