6 Simple Ways to Become a Powerful Praying Family in Today’s World

Did you know that your little family, no matter how small, can help to transform the world? During these times of great uncertainty and political tensions, it’s easy to believe there is nothing we can do. However, your family can, and is even called to do everything possible through prayer.   


The smallest body of believers in Christ comes in the form of the family. The concept of family as a little or “domestic” church dates to the times of the early Christians. Even before this, Joshua, the great leader of the Jewish people, following the death of Moses, recognized the importance of the family as a unit dedicated to the love and service of God (Joshua 24:15). Families belong to each other... children to parents, parents to children, husbands to wives, wives to husbands. What a gift! When we forget this, there is disunity, lack of peace, chaos.

As a little church, your family is a house of worship and prayer. God designed the family this way! He longs to hear our voices, and He hears them so well and so delightfully within the family. As we pray in our homes, God can be heard responding in small ways and even in big ways. God loves His children and loves to reveal Himself and His Love through them. How many times have you marveled at the spirit-filled words and deeds that come from your children (“out of the mouths of babes”), your spouse, a parent or a grandparent. Family prayer is powerful. It is a peaceful and transformative act that really does change the world. It unites us, enlivens us, and protects us. It brings us hope. And hope will never disappoint!


Mother Teresa often said that world peace begins within the family. Imagine that. Your tiny prayer community, your family, can sow seeds of peace beginning with our everyday prayers and interactions. Begin to pray for peace in our world and peace in families today. Pray steadfastly! Our world depends on you.


Need help beginning? It’s not as hard as you think. Here are some simple ways to incorporate moments of powerful family prayer that foster a sense of hopefulness, security, joy, and peace throughout the day:

  • Keep Holy the Sabbath – Worship together to bring in the new week!
  • Pray Before Meals – Good food and meals lovingly prepared brings us together for some of our happiest family times. Children love to add their voices at mealtimes. Let them be heard!
  • Sing hymns - Make a joyful noise unto the Lord! 
  • Pray Before Traveling – In our family, the car doesn’t move forward before we join hands to pray! Even our teens look forward to this simple prayer time for safe travel before we venture out.
  • Model Prayer Throughout the Day – Allow your children to see you and hear you voice simple words of prayer during the day (Praise God; Thank you, Lord; Lord have mercy on us; Thy Will be done; Come Holy Spirit; Help me, Lord; Protect us, Father).
  • “God Bless You” Prayer – Children, and even adults, need to hear this comforting and affirmative prayer often. A loving and appropriate touch with words of praise and blessing brings joy and peace to the one being blessed!
  • Prayer at Bedtime – Children love to talk about the best and worst parts of their day. Give them time to share and thank God for His blessings.  

Thank you for joining our family and all HOME families as we pray for each other and our fragile world. Please share this call to prayer with everyone you know as we ask the Holy Spirit to move us in the direction of peace and repentance!