6 Homeschool Essentials for Your First Official Year

Your child is turning six! Homeschooling up until now has probably been more been relaxed and natural. At the date of the sixth birthday, compulsory school attendance will begin, and your Notice of Intent will need to be filed. It’s all very exciting, yet the legal requirements can leave you feeling anxious and uneasy. Will the way of life you have established become a distant memory as you struggle to comply? Only if you let it!


Creating a lifestyle of learning is the key to your homeschooling success. Your family’s natural interests and rhythm of life will bring your child joy, competence and confidence! Be sure to continue to nurture it throughout your homeschooling journey.


Your family’s homeschool lifestyle will not look like anyone else’s. You have a unique set of circumstances. Where you live, what you love to do, the work you engage in, and the gifts and talents you have will serve as experiences that will mold your child like no other. So don’t compare! Hold on to your family’s treasure, nurture it daily and watch it grow and prosper beyond your wildest expectations!

Here are some essential habits to develop to safeguard your homeschooling lifestyle.


1. Encourage unstructured playtime every day. Einstein said, “play is the highest form of research.” Enough said! Play brings out the curious nature of a child and promotes creativity and the development of critical thinking skills.


2. Get outdoors in nature. Children love and thrive within the natural world. Being outdoors helps them to develop keen observation skills and learn how to focus. Anxiety disappears. Calmness, joy and serenity settle in. They are ready to explore!


3. Read great books as a family! Reading aloud brings all subjects together, no matter what book is being read. People, places and events come alive and peak interest. New words and meanings are

discovered. Great conversations ensue with the reading of any good book. Be sure you have a library card to keep a steady flow of books coming to your home!


4. STOP for questions! Take advantage of those teachable moments when interest is high. Be ready to look up answers to questions with them using online tools, encyclopedias and the library. Share in the excitement as your child digs deeper and discovers new things!


5. Utilize a unit study approach to learning. This method integrates all subject areas while exploring one topic. Unit studies allow you to stay flexible and follow your child’s lead on topics they are interested in. This adds meaning and boosts engagement!


6. Tie your child’s learning together in a visual way that shows progress! Maintain a portfolio to highlight all that your child has accomplished through the year. You, your child and your loved ones will be constantly amazed and encouraged by the growth happening as you live out your very own homeschool lifestyle.


As you drop that Notice of Intent in the mail this year, mark it as a milestone. The journey began 6 years ago, but now it’s official! Keep going and growing that precious child right on to young adulthood. Your homeschool journey will be full and rich but will pass quickly. Savor every moment. 


* Helpful Resources - For dozens of pre-made unit studies and pre- assembled portfolios, visit the HOME Bookshelf!