Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned pro, homeschooling during this time can be difficult. The kids struggle to stay focused. It's cold out, so some days you are all cooped up together and getting on each other's nerves! There are so many sugary treats available and that doesn't make things any easier if someone sneaks one. It feels like the darkness is creeping from all sides. We are all there to some degree!
Holidays are tough for us, not only for a lot of those reasons above, but also we are a military family away from family again. We also lost my husband's parents just 2 years ago and the grief during this time is almost soul crushing.
So we give back. We find ways to be a light for others who may be in the same darkness we are. It helps to take the edge off...just a little bit. I know it's hard. I know some days you will only be able to do just enough...and THAT IS ALRIGHT!! Look for those moments though. Volunteer at your local food pantry. Take a tag off that Angel Tree and buy a gift for another child. Bake some Christmas cookies and take them to a neighbor who may be alone this year. Visit your local police or fire station and let them know you appreciate their hard work during this time of year. (And yes...all those can be a part of your "school" day.)
During this time of year, if you are having a hard time or struggling, just know...we see you. Your feelings are valid. We have all been there at one point or another. If you need someone to talk
to or to pray with you or you are struggling to figure out how to just accomplish things. REACH OUT! HOME would love to help you in any way that we can! Don't let the darkness creep in. BE A
LIGHT! By shining a light for others and igniting theirs, you make your own flame grow just a bit brighter.