
Join HOME!

What Can You Do?

Parents will succeed, and children will thrive in a homeschool environment when resources and support are readily available.


HOME has provided homeschool families with accurate information, care and quality of service for over 30 years.  


Join Today!

Find out how YOU can be a part of the work of HOME and get great benefits, too! 

15 Simple Ways to Help

Anyone can help with the work of HOME! It's EASY! You can join in HOME events, purchase HOME resources, make a donation, sign up for online classes, tell a friend about HOME, volunteer your time, and so much more! Please download, print and share the ideas below. Help get the word out, and support HOME's ministry to homeschooling families!


15 EZ Ways to Support HOME
15 EZ Ways to Support HOME - No edges.pd
Adobe Acrobat Document 186.3 KB

Share HOME with Your Church, Too!

Guiding and strengthening the family during their homeschool journey can come by way of the local church, as well. Many churches desire to support families in successfully educating their own children. HOME wishes to partner with the local church to further meet the growing needs of homeschool families throughout Maine. HOME's brochure for pastors is the first step in making resources more readily available to homeschool families within local church congregations. 


Please download and share our brochure with your pastor.


HOME Brochure for Pastors
This brochure outlines ways in which HOME and the local church can partner together to strengthen the family.
HOME Brochure for Pastors 2.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.7 MB

Why You Are Needed

15 Reasons to Support Your State Organization

There's a LOT of daily work to do to keep HOME's ministry in full swing! During each year, HOME ... 

  • helps families get started in homeschooling.
  • provides counsel and coaching to help homeschoolers.
  • continues as a non-profit, 501C-3 ministry-based organization run by a volunteer board of directors and trained leadership teams.
  • remains a reliable, knowledgeable and accurate source of information regarding homeschooling in Maine.
  • provides up-to-the minute news and articles of interest via printed resources, mailings, email updates, website, Facebook and Twitter.
  • stays up to date on issues affecting homeschooling in our state.
  • maintains a liaison with state elected officials, and constantly works to preserve and protect homeschooling in Maine.
  • maintains a network of HOME Representatives throughout the state to provide guidance and support to new and veteran homeschoolers.
  • organizes many events and field trips to encourage and equip homeschoolers.
  • provides portfolio reviews for annual assessment purposes.
  • holds an annual convention.
  • holds regular used curriculum sales.
  • holds an annual high school graduation ceremony.
  • reinvests all monies earned back into homeschooling in Maine.
  • continues to fight the good fight for homeschool freedom.

THANK YOU for your support!