If you are homeschooling, interested in homeschooling or offering support to homeschoolers, this event is for you! You'll find encouragement and information regardless of your homeschool approach or style. Our hope is that the Maine Homeschool Exchange will be a blessing to all those who attend. (Christian values may sometimes be reflected in individual vendors, speakers, or workshops. However, this event is open to all! There is something for everyone!)
Location - Augusta, Maine
* Directions to Hope Baptist Church for May 9 Mom-Care and Family Activities
726 Western Avenue, Manchester, Maine
* Directions to Augusta Armory for May 10 Maine Homeschool Exchange
179 Western Avenue Augusta, Maine
Distance from Major Cities
From Boston, MA: (2 1/2 hours)
From Concord, NH: (2 1/2 hours)
From Portland, ME: (50 mins.)
From Bangor, ME: (1 1/4 hours)
Make the most of your time. Plan ahead for and an enjoyable and stress-free event!
Scroll down using the link above to print this FREE resource ahead of time. You'll want to have all the important details at your fingertips!
Unlimited, all-day admission to all exhibit areas is included as a benefit to those who have paid for a full event registration! Exhibits include resources, services, children's activities, and organizations of interest to the homeschool community. Used curriculum sellers will also be present.
"Exhibit Hall Only" Shopping is available for FREE between 12:00 and 4:00pm. Arrive before 3:00pm for admission. Pre-register for Exhibit Hall Only Shopping to receive your free digital unit study!
Military Families
In honor of April as the Month of the Military Child, HOME has designated the Maine Homeschool Exchange event as "Purple Up" Day! This is a day to wear purple in order to acknowledge and honor the children of military personnel. In recognition of all the hard work and sacrifices our military families make for us, ALL active-duty military families AND veterans will receive FREE admission to the Exchange! (IDs verified at the door). Please pre-register to receive a FREE Unit Study of your choice!
Parents of Preschoolers Program
In an effort to promote homeschooling in Maine, HOME offers free admission to families who meet the following criteria:
1. Must have only children of preschool age (aged 6 or under at the time of the event),
2. Must have never attended a HOME Convention before, AND
3. Must submit a written recommendation from a HOME Regional Representative to the HOME Office, along with a completed convention registration form.
Please contact your HOME Regional Representative for more information. Contact HOME if you are not able to reach your HOME Representative.
*Free admission is for two parents living in the same household. Children 2 and over are charged at the additional family member rate.
Are You the Member of a Local Homeschool Group or Network?
Are you grateful for the vast amounts of time and effort that your co-op or support group leaders invest in you and the others in the group? Would you like a way to show your leader that he/she has your support?
The Maine Homeschool Exchange is a wonderful opportunity for training. Top notch, national speakers, local talent, the exhibit hall, and awesome fellowship—all rolled into one weekend!
Consider recommending them for a homeschool leader waiver! They give so much—give back a little to them! Not only will they benefit, but you will too. It’s a great way to say thank-you.
Find out more here (scroll down toward the middle of the page).
Bring your empty returnable bottles to the event! HOME will deliver bottles to Hannaford, and funds will be deposited in HOME's Clynk Account. Funds raised will be used for Homeschool Kits for Kids and HOME Convention, Used Curriculum and Portfolio Review Scholarships!
Come Spring Food Pantry
Did you know that HOME delivers food boxes to homeschool families experiencing food insecurity? Please support our partner and help homeschool families in need. Bring your donations to the event and drop them off at the HOME booth!
Volunteers make all the difference. A smile, a helping hand, and caring ear are sometimes all it takes. As the saying goes, people do not care what you know, until they know how much you care. Would you consider helping HOME care for others during the event? There are many ways to help! Contact HOME for more information.
Those interested in exhibiting may apply by contacting Katie Beaudoin at katiehomeadv@gmail.com. Or get forms and information at the following link: Exhibitor Information.
Speaker Recordings
Some of our presenters may offer recordings. Visit event presenters at their booths in the exhibit hall (or check their websites) to find out more about the availability of previously recorded presentation topics. HOME does not record workshops, but some speakers do have their own recordings.
Food trucks will be available at the Armory throughout the day on May 10! You won't want to miss out on important workshops and shopping time! Grab-and-go from the following food trucks:
Other nearby options.
Bagel Mania
Pizza Hut
* Coffee and tea will be available for purchase onsite.