Maine Homeschool Exchange 2025

(Formerly the HOME Convention)

Be sure to check out the 2025 Maine Homeschool Exchange Event Magazine when it becomes available and share! An event registration form is included. Or register anytime using the online or mail-in forms below. 

Receive a FREE HOME unit study when you pre-register by May 3, 2025!

Wonderfully Made: A Unit Study on the Dignity of Human Life FREE with paid event pre-registration by May 3! 


Discount Reminder:

Are you eligible for a supporter's discount on your registration?  Be sure to check our Join HOME page to see! 


Register early and save!

2025 Event Early Bird Pre-Registered Prices (Online or mail-in and postmarked no later than February 21, 2025.)

  • First Person in the Family - $15.00*
  • Each Additional Family Member (must be immediate family residing in the same household) - $8.00* $30 maximum per family.
  • Friday, May 9, Mom-Care - included in event registration, $10 if attending this event only (must pre-register).
  • Friday, May 9, Superhero Adventure - included in event registration, $5 per child  if attending this event only (must pre-register; this is a drop off event for mom's attending the Mom-care event at the same time.)
  • Saturday, May 10 Exhibit Hall Only - Free admission between 12:00 and 3:00pm (exhibit hall closes at 4:00pm). Pre-register to receive a free digital unit study of your choice!
  • Registration Terms & Conditions

* Includes access to all event workshops, special sessions and all exhibit areas.   

 2025 Event Pre-Registered Prices (Mail-in and postmarked no later than April 25, 2025; Online - no later than May 2, 2025) 

  • First Person in the Family - $20.00*
  • Each Additional Family Member (must be immediate family residing in the same household) - $10.00* ($35 maximum per family.)
  • Friday, May 9, Mom-Care - included in event registration , $10 if attending this event only (must pre-register).
  • Friday, May 9, Suuperhero Adventure - included in event registration, $5 per child if attending this event only. (must pre-register; this is a drop off event for mom's attending the Mom-care event at the same time.)
  • Saturday, May 10 Exhibit Hall Only - Free admission between 12:00 and 3:00pm (exhibit hall closes at 4:00pm). Pre-register to receive a free digital unit study of your choice!  
  • Registration Terms & Conditions 




* Includes access to all event workshops, general sessions and all exhibit areas.  


Maine Homeschool Exchange 2025 Mail-in Registration Form
Please print and mail this form with your payment, by March 29, 2024, to
HOME, P.O. Box 159, Camden, ME 04843.
2025 Exchange Registration Form.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 250.3 KB


At-the-door Prices

  • First Person in the Family - $25.00*
  • Each Additional Family Member (must be immediate family residing in the same household) - $10.00* ($40 maximum per family).
  • Saturday, May 10 Exhibit Hall Only - Free admission between 12:00 and 3:00pm (exhibit hall closes at 4:00pm) 
  • There will be no at-the-door admittance for the Mom-Care Event or Children's Activity on Friday, May 9.  

* Includes access to all event workshops, general sessions and all exhibit areas.  


Teens & Children

Some activities or workshops may be of interest to children and teenagers. Each child aged 2 and older who will be attending one or more event sessions along with an adult must be a paid registrant as per the price lists above (extra family member price). In some years, an additional fee may be charged for special programs (teen track programs, art or writing class, etc.). Please consult the PRINTABLE, mail-in registration form for more information on any additional fees for special programs and use this form to register. Online registration is not available for teen track programs. 


You may bring a babysitter to care for your children if you desire. If your babysitter will be attending any part of the event, he/she will need to be a paid registrant also (extra family member price.) 


Admission to Exhibit Areas

All-day, unlimited admission to all exhibit areas is included as a benefit to those who have paid for a full event registration! Free admission is available on Saturday, May 10 between 12:00 and 3:00pm. Please pre-register for free admission to receive your free digital unit study!


FREE Admission to Military Families

In recognition of all the hard work and sacrifices our military families make for us, ALL active-duty military families AND veterans will receive FREE admission to the Exchange! (IDs verified at the door). Please pre-register to receive a FREE Unit Study of your choice! 


FREE Admission to First time Exhange Attendees

If you have never attended a HOME Conference before, this is your chance to experience all of the workshops, interactive exhibits and shop the vendor hall for free. Pre-registraton is required. There will be no free admittance at the door.


FREE Admission to Parents of Preschoolers and First Time Exchange Attendees

In an effort to promote homeschooling in Maine, HOME offers FREE admission for all event activities on Saturday, May 10 to families who meet the following criteria:


            1. Must have only children of preschool age (aged 6 or under at the time of the event), OR

            2. Must have never attended an annual HOME Exchange before. 


*Free admission is for two parents living in the same household. Children 2 and over are charged at the additional family member rate.


FREE Admission to Non-homeschooling Grandparents

FREE admission on Saturday May 10 is available to grandparents who are not actively homeschooling. Come to the Maine Homeschool Exchange and learn more about this growing trend and the exciting homeschool journey your grandchildren are on! Please complete and submit a registration form and include a homeschool family reference. 


FREE Admission to Pastors

Strengthening the family is a big part of our mission and purpose. We love to share that vision with pastors! Pastors who are not homeschooling, or who have never attended HOME's annual event before, are invited to attend as our guests on Saturday, May 10. Please complete and submit a registration form and include your church website as verification.


FREE Admission to Volunteers

It takes many helping hands to bring this event to the community! We would love to have you join HOME's team. (Dads, moms, young men, and young women are all welcome–and needed!) Please sign up to volunteer for at least two hours for free admission! 


FREE Admission to Homeschool Group Leaders

HOME would like to take the opportunity to recognize the hard work and sacrifice of those who provide support in any way to homeschooling families in their communities!  


Each year, HOME offers one complimentary event registration waiver per co-op, online or in-person homeschool group or RAPPS.


In order to qualify for this waiver, you must meet the following criteria:


• Hold a distinct leadership role (such as administrator, director, treasurer, secretary)

• Provide a brief statement of recommendation from an individual within the group where serving.


Submit your request for a waiver by midnight May 2. Please provide your name, the title of leadership role you hold, the name of the group you will represent, and your email address.


You will receive an email notification by May 7 if you have been granted a waiver. This notification will include registration information.


Email this information to HOME by the deadline. 


Start Homeschooling with Confidence and Homeschooling High School 101 Workshops

These two workshops are available throughout the year. Find out more and register here. 



HOME endeavors to keep costs to a minimum, yet if you or someone you know needs help with registration fees, a limited number of scholarships are available. Enclose a letter explaining your situation. Please do not call. You will be notified regarding your eligibility. Scholarships are limited to adults (2) per family. Send your letter along with a completed registration form to the address on the form, no later than one week prior to the event. 


To learn more about HOME Scholarships please visit the Scholarship section of our website by clicking here.


Partner with HOME to Provide Scholarships

You can be the key to blessing another homeschooler! Every year there are those who wish to attend this event for support, encouragement and information, but are not able to afford the registration fee. Your donation can make it possible! 


In addition, you can partner with HOME to help a support group leader, a grandparent or a pastor to attend for FREE!


Any amount you can give to bless others would be welcomed.


Please write your donation amount on the line provided on the registration form. If you are not attending the event but would like to provide a blessing, use the DONATE button in the upper right corner of this page and make a note that it is for Scholarships.  


Or mail your donation to:

HOME, P.O. Box, 159, Camden, ME 04843


Thank you, and God bless you for your generosity.