HOME Graduation

Mark the occasion in a special way!

Do you have a young adult who will be finishing their high school education in 2025? If so, HOME would like to invite you to participate in a very special graduation ceremony. Join us to mark this momentous occasion in the life of your child! 


HOME's graduation ceremony provides a great sense of accomplishment for each participating family. The event also provides encouragement for other homeschoolers to continue on through high school! 


In addition, the ceremony provides a wonderful way to include family and friends in a special celebration. Parents take part in the event, too, and will present the diploma to their child. 



  • Date: June 5, 2025 (Hope Baptist Church, Manchester)
  • Graduates and parents may present short speeches (2-3 minutes) about their homeschooling experience and future plans, if desired, following their diploma presentation. 
  • A video slide presentation of the graduates as they have grown up is presented as part of the ceremony. If you wish to participate in this way, please plan to send 8 - 10 pictures of your graduate by email or CD to hoverlock727@gmail.com, no later than May 23, 2025.
  • A private tea for graduates and their parents/guardians will be held prior to the ceremony.
  • Graduation apparel can be ordered through the HSLDA Store. Please order navy blue or white graduation gowns for a HOME graduation ceremony.
  • Planning a special dinner following the event? For those who would like to continue their family celebration, consider making reservations at an area restaurant.                         


  • Please pre-register using either the online or mail-in form below, no later than May 24, 2025. Please include payment of $80 per family (graduate and up to nine guests), and $5.00 for each additional guest (ages 3+). Please register using the mail-in or online forms below.
  • The private tea is included for the graduate and up to two guests. If requesting additional tickets please add $10 per person. 
  • A cake reception for graduates and guests will follow the graduation ceremony.

Event Schedule:


1:30 - 3:00pm - Private tea for graduates and up to two guests (Blaine House, Augusta)

This time will include refreshments for the graduates and their parents/guardians, as well as some special music, and a charge to the graduates presented by Pastor Marc Swartz. 

3:30pm - Graduates meet at Hope Baptist Church for marching practice.

4:30 - 6:00pm - Graduation Ceremony (Hope Baptist Church, Manchester)


Keynote Address

Unshakeable: The Transforming Power of True Devotion 

What does it mean to live a life fully devoted to God? True devotion is more than a feeling—it’s a choice to trust God’s plan, even when we can’t see it clearly. Through the stories of Moses’ bold obedience and Achan’s destructive compromise, we’ll see the power and purpose of a devoted life. The challenge: remain full of hope, reject cynicism, and live with unshakeable confidence in the plans God has for us.


Keynote Speaker

Nick Adolphsen, Executive Director CCL of Maine

Nick Adolphsen serves as the Executive Director of the Christian Civic League of Maine, a position he assumed on January 1, 2025. Prior to this role, Nick was a State Affairs Director for the Foundation for Government Accountability and served as a Health Policy Advisor for Governor Paul LePage. A lifelong Mainer, Nick is deeply committed to his faith and family. He and his wife, Hannah, homeschool their five children and are active members of Littlefield Memorial Baptist Church in Rockland, where his

father pastors.

HOME Graduation Registration Form
Please print and fill out this form and mail it to the address on the bottom of the form, no later than May 10 to participate in HOME's Annual Graduation Ceremony.
2025 Graduation Registration.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 167.0 KB


* Event Refund Policy - Registration fees may be refunded up to the registration deadline for this event. No refunds will be made after the registration deadline. In the event that you must cancel, please consider making your fee a donation to HOME rather than requesting a refund! If an event must be canceled or rescheduled for any reason, HOME will notify participants. Refunds will then be considered on a case by case basis, depending on whether or not the event is rescheduled.