Real World Learning!

Field trips can enhance learning, increase interest and help to solidify concepts. Besides all that, they're fun! Join HOME at various locations throughout the year for some real-world learning experiences! 


If you need some financial assistance in order to participate in a HOME field trip, please feel free to apply for a scholarship. HOME has a limited amount of funds available for this purpose thanks to some generous donations! Contribute to this fund to support homeschool families in need!


Coming up next...

KinderKonzert: Burt Dow Deep Water Man

PSO Brass Quintet presents: Burt Dow, Deep-Water Man A story based in Maine, Burt Dow, Deep-Water Man by Robert McCloskey tells the story of Burt Dow, a retired fisherman, who lives a quiet life by the sea. One day, he sets out on an adventure in his old, leaky fishing boat, the Tidely-Idley, and gets stuck inside the belly of a whale during a storm. After the storm passes, the whale safely returns Burt to shore, leaving him with an unforgettable tale of his deep-sea adventure.


Join the PSO Brass Quintet as they share stories of Burt’s adventures and explore the Brass family of instruments! 

Where: Morse High School, 826 Shipbuilder Drive, Bath (Montgomery Theater)

When: Mon, March 24, 2025

Time: 10:30am

Cost: $6.50 per person

Age: Grades K-3

Deadline to Register: March 14, 2025


Mr. Drew & His Animals Too

 All of the animals here at our center are rescues and surrenders. Brought into us by all walks of people for all kinds of reasons. We will never turn away a reptile (or any other animal) that is in need. 


Every animal we have here has a story and we are able to use that story to help educate about the many and overlooked aspects of exotic pet ownership.

Where: Mr. Drew Education Center

When: Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Time: 10am

Cost: $9.50 per person

Age: All ages

Deadline to Register: March 14, 2025

Recommended unit study: Natural History at a Museum Near You

Ogunquit Museum of American Art


Join us for an interactive talk/tour of the Ogunquit Museum of Art, learning about landscape art and how to create your own. A Zoom session in March will be followed by a tour of the museum in April.

Where: Ogunquit Museum of American Art

When: Wednesday March 5, 2025 (Interactive Online Introduction)

             Wednesday, April 23, 2025 (Museum Visit)

Time: 11am - 12pm for the virtual class

            10 - 11:30am for the museum visit

Cost: Free

Age: All ages

Deadline to Register: March 1, 2025

Recommended unit study: Fine Arts


Additional Information


Online Introduction - March 5

Interested in museums and how one landscape can tell 100 stories? Join us for a one-hour Zoom session with Sophie Cordery, Education & Community Outreach Fellow at the Ogunquit Museum of American Art (OMAA). Sophie will share her journey to working at a museum, explore different museum careers, and introduce OMAA’s exciting landscape-related exhibitions. The session includes a brief art history lecture on how to view landscapes and the American landscape tradition, interactive close-looking exercises, and a sketching activity where you'll create your own landscape. This discussion will set the stage for the museum visit in April.  


Museum Visit - April 23

Join us for a tour of the new exhibitions discussed in the Zoom session. Explore landscapes by contemporary artist Nicole Wittenberg, who examines the deep history of landscape painting in the region and her connection to Maine's natural environment. We'll also look at local landscapes by museum founder Henry Strater, reflecting the town’s history as a hub for art schools and environmental discussions in a rapidly modernizing world. Revisit the paintings from the Zoom conversation, compare in-person observations, and take time to sketch the Ogunquit landscape, reflecting on what we see and how the environment makes us feel.


Maine Mariners Ice Hockey

Catch the Maine Mariners’ last home game of the season! When you purchase tickets through our special link, a portion of the sales will go directly to HOME, helping us continue to serve homeschooling families. Enjoy a fun-filled game while giving back to the homeschool community. Get your tickets today!

Where: Cross Insurance Arena, 1 Civic Center Square, Portland

When: April 13, 2025

Time: 3:00pm

Cost: $24 per person

Age: All ages

Deadline to Register: Save on Ticketmaster fees by purchasing through HOME's link below! Please share the purchase link with family and friends to support HOME!


Mail-in Form

Event Registration Form
Please complete this form and return it to HOME, P.O. Box 159, Camden, ME 04843
Master Registration Form.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 72.4 KB


* HOME Event Refund Policy - Registration fees may be refunded up to the registration deadline for any HOME field trip. No refunds will be made after the registration deadline. In the event that you must cancel, please consider making your fee a donation to HOME rather than requesting a refund! If an event must be canceled or rescheduled for any reason, HOME will notify participants. Refunds will then be considered on a case-by-case basis, depending on whether or not the event is rescheduled.


** HOME does not take any responsibility for views expressed during scheduled activities. Please use your own discretion.


For More Field Trip Ideas...

Maine offers endless opportunities for field trips. Be sure to join the HOME Field Trip Forum on Facebook as a resource for ideas, news and updates on what's happening around our state.