HOME Group Portfolio Reviews

Come to Learn, Connect and Uplift One Another!

Are you a brand-new homeschooler looking for ideas and guidance?

Are you a veteran with questions and concerns? 


Participate in a group portfolio review day! This is an opportunity to join other homeschoolers in a group setting, and share what homeschooling was like for your family during the past year. A Maine certified teacher and a veteran homeschool leader will facilitate discussion, answer your questions, and provide you with a signed evaluation letter to submit to the Maine Department of Education and your local superintendent.


SAVE TIME! Purchase a pre-assembled portfolio for use during this event.


Group reviews do not include time for a one-on-one portfolio review with the certified teacher. If you would like your portfolio to be reviewed individually, or you would like more direct input from the certified teacher, the mail-in review option would be a better fit!  


2025 Group Review Schedule!

Check back for more 2025 dates and locations to be scheduled in the months ahead.  


May 10, 2025 - 8:00am at The August Armory, 179 Western Ave., Augusta

(during the Maine Homeschool Exchange.)


Pre-register Today!

PLEASE REGISTER EARLY for an event. These fill up fast and space is limited! Pre-registration for group reviews is required.

* You can also have your portfolio reviewed with HOME by mailing it in.


* OR submit your portfolio electronically! Find out more about HOME's digital reviews.