Due to limited storage space and the volume of unusable items that we have received in the past, the following restrictions must be adhered to when submitting items to be sold at the HOME Used
Curriculum Sale or donated to HOME:
All items must be in good condition.
Not Accepted
Encyclopedia sets or individual volumes
Mass donations of textbooks from schools. (An exception can be made for student texts no more than five years old with an
accompanying teacher’s edition.)
K12, DIVE CDs, Edu-Track, Homeschool Tracker, Rosetta Stone, Switched-on-Schoolhouse [SOS], and Calvert, unless they are
“new/never used/unopened.” (Due to publisher prohibitions.)
- Workbooks that have been written in
Special Considerations
Partial curriculum will only be accepted if it is the currently published edition. Out-of-print textbooks and teacher’s manuals
must be sold/donated in sets. An exception can be made for vintage and antique texts (vintage is anything that is between 25 - 49 years old, antique is 50 years or older) that would be of
interest to collectors.
- Media resources must be in good condition.