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Current Blog Posts

Legislation Watch: Stay Up-To-Date with HOME!

By Sarah Buchwalder


In this 132nd session of the Maine state legislature, Homeschoolers of Maine currently

has a short list of 11 bills we’re watching closely and a much longer list of bills that, as yet, do not have document numbers or text but do have titles that potentially concern us. To give you a sense of the scale of our undertaking, over 2,300 bills have been proposed in this session alone in the state legislature.



As an organization, we keep track of proposed laws within the state that either directly affect homeschoolers OR that affect parental rights, which is really at the core of the right to direct our children’s education. This involves much more than simply reading the legislative documents; we listen to or attend public hearings, follow up during the work sessions, make many phone calls and send many emails to state representatives and senators (and bite our tongues when a particularly cranky or combative one is on the other end of the line), enlist the help of our national partners such as HSLDA or The Parental Rights Foundation as needed, and, most importantly, ask our fellow homeschoolers and constituents to write or call representatives and submit testimony when action is clearly warranted. In 2023, one state senator remarked in a public hearing that he had received calls from hundreds of homeschoolers and thus amended the bill in question as asked. We can’t do this without you!

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Top 10 Reasons to Attend Your State’s Homeschool Day at the Capitol


As homeschooling parents who deeply value the freedom to educate our children at home, it’s crucial to recognize and participate in opportunities that safeguard these liberties. Homeschool Day at the Capitol is not just an event; it’s a celebration of our homeschool freedom and a powerful statement of our commitment to our children’s education. Here are the top ten reasons why attending your state’s Capitol Day is of paramount importance. 


Read the entire article at the Homeschool Freedom website.


Find out more about Maine's Homeschool Day at the Capitol here.


Dig deeper into the legislative process here in Maine by purchasing a Junior Legislator or American Civics unit study published by Homeschoolers of Maine.


Best Homeschool Convention Tips

By Kathy Green


Homeschool convention season is right around the corner! These annual events are highly anticipated by homeschooling families nationwide. Homeschoolers of Maine (HOME) has been hosting successful events every year for 35 years! 

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7 Tips to Encourage Your Kids to Write (Even If They "Hate" To)

Note: Sometimes young learners are just not ready to write. This can be especially true for boys. If you are meeting with lots of conflict and resistance, it may be best to wait  


If your child seems physically and developmentally ready, and is showing interest, consider the tips below!


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How to Start Homeschool Mid-Year

By Kathy Green


Maine families choose homeschooling for so many reasons today. The decision to homeschool is never made lightly, but often comes at unexpected times during the year. Sometimes the idea has been churning for a while. In other instances, there are good reasons for immediate action. If you are currently thinking about homeschooling, rest assured you are not alone.  Homeschoolers of Maine is here to help.   


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