Refreshment for Moms!

"The devil doesn’t want us to share our struggles. He wants us to feel that we’re all alone.”

-- Heidi St. John


Warmth and Smiles Await You!

Are you in need of refreshment and encouragement? HOME has created a very special gift just for you, mom!


You are not alone on this journey. HOME is here to bless and support you!


Your encouragement bundle will include online podcasts featuring nationally known speakers, inspiring reading material, support from HOME, and much more! All resources have been carefully selected to encourage and uplift.


You will also receive:

Register now to be entered into a drawing for a special gift!

Winner will receive the following book: 


Grumpy Mom Takes a Holiday: Say Goodbye to Stressed, Tired, and Anxious, and Say Hello to Renewed Joy in Motherhood  

By Valerie Woerner 


Most days motherhood often looks like bottomless piles of laundry; a sink full of dishes; sleepless nights; and unshowered, nonstop, endless days. If that’s all there is, then no wonder “Grumpy Mom” sometimes sneaks into your heart and home.


As you journey with Valerie, you’ll be inspired and equipped to find energy in the most unlikely places, pursue your own dreams, be set free from mom guilt, feel content despite unfinished to-do lists, spend purposeful time with God amid the daily chaos, and discover more joyous moments of motherhood.


Event Details

When: Register throughout the month of February 2025.

Time: Whatever time is convenient for you!

Location: In the comfort of your own home.

Cost: The entire package is valued at $40 and will be mailed to your home. Your cost is just $12! Register below. OR register for Mom-Care and the Maine Homeschool Exchange and receive this bundle FREE! (Offer ends on February 28th.)


Register Today to Receive Your Midwinter Encouragement Bundle!

Please pre-register using either the online or mail-in form below. 

Midwinter Mom's Encouragment Registration
Mom's Retreat Registration.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 507.4 KB

Return this form with payment to:


P.O. Box 159

Camden, ME 04843


Thank you, Event Sponsors, Partners and Friends!

Lift Your Spirits Anytime of the Year!

Are you feeling battle worn? Has your family struggled with all the changes and challenges happening in our world today? Join Connie Albers in this FREE webinar and renew your faith!  



* Event Refund Policy - Registration fees for an in-person event may be refunded up to the registration deadline for this event. No refunds will be made after the registration deadline. In the event that you must cancel, please consider making your fee a donation to HOME rather than requesting a refund! If an event must be canceled or rescheduled for any reason, HOME will notify participants. Refunds will then be considered on a case-by-case basis, depending on whether or not the event is rescheduled.