Pre-assembled Portfolios

What's Included?

As a convenience for your family, HOME offers pre-assembled portfolios. This tool takes the guesswork out of the required annual assessment process. Portfolios make great family keepsakes, too!


Here's what your pre-assembled portfolio will include:

  • 3-inch binder
  • Subject dividers
  • Plastic page protectors
  • Subject dividers
  • A variety of pages to accomplish required record-keeping
  • Simple instructions

Just fill in the required information, add work samples and submit! 


What others are saying...


I am really thankful for this option. We are new to the state of Maine - this has taken a lot of the stress away :) thank you so much!! - S.J.


Three Versions Available

FOR EARLY LEARNERS - Parents may need extra help determining what to include in a portfolio for a young child who is not yet ready to read, write or complete workbook pages. We have created this pre-assembled portfolio with that child in mind! By including more journaling logs, photographs and dictation pages, you can easily document and demonstrate what your child has covered, and the progress made.


FOR SPECIAL NEEDS STUDENTS - If your child has trouble reading, writing, completing workbook pages, or struggles to learn in other ways, this pre-assembled portfolio version will best meet your record-keeping needs. By including more journal logs, photographs and dictation pages, as well as modified subject cover pages, and special needs introductory pages, you can demonstrate what your child has covered, and the progress made.


Using special needs preassembled portfolio offers several important benefits:


1. It gives our review team notice that the student has unique needs that need to be considered during the review.

2. HOME staff will know that appointing a member of our review team with the right background and experience to provide a more supportive review is needed.

3. Choosing this version gives you more options and flexibility in terms of documenting progress.

4. This version also provides space for you to note challenges, therapies, and other information that will help the reviewer understand any delays or learning difficulties and what you are doing to help your student progress.  


FOR ALL OTHER STUDENTS - Use the regular version!


Why Maintain a Portfolio?

There are so many important reasons to keep up with your child's portfolio throughout the year! Here are the top ten:

  • Avoids the year-end rush and stress that often accompanies meeting annual assessment requirements
  • Provides awareness of subject areas that may be lacking or need more attention before the year's end
  • Shows all that has been accomplished through the year, as well as progress made, which will encourage both parent and child
  • Guarantees a completed portfolio, ready to submit for review as soon as the school year ends
  • Offers a steady and more relaxed approach to ongoing assessment through the year
  • Gives a child a sense of personal accomplishment since he/she has ample time to select favorite work samples to include and can be involved in the process
  • Provides a way to put order to all the learning that happens naturally through the year
  • Allows a way for others to know where your child is and what your child has been working on if someone else has to take over homeschooling due to sickness, a life change or an emergency 
  • Shows concrete proof that you are truly homeschooling, covering all required subject areas and in full compliance with the law in the event that officials come knocking
  • Provides a complete picture of your child’s academic progress and level of ability if you ever have to put your child back in school

A HOME pre-assembled portfolio will take the guesswork out of the process of keeping up with, assembling and maintaining your child's portfolio through the year. Once complete, you will know for certain that your portfolio meets the requirements of the law and is ready for a review!                                                             

Purchase Your Pre-assembled Portfolio!

When you purchase a HOME pre-assembled portfolio, you will also receive regular email support throughout the year! Emails will include information on how to get started with and maintain your portfolio,  encouragement, documentation tips, year-end steps to take, important reminders, and much more!

Mail-in order form
To order pre-assembled unit studies by mail, please download the order form and make your checks payable to HOME. Mail your request to the HOME Office, P.O. Box 159, Camden, ME 04843.
HOME Order form.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 130.8 KB

Plan for Your HOME Portfolio Review

HOME provides a convenient method for annual assessment, which fulfills the requirements of our homeschool statute. After purchasing your pre-assembled portfolio, be sure to plan ahead for your HOME portfolio review! HOME reviews are easy, inexpensive, and require a minimal amount of preparation. By participating in a portfolio review through HOME, you will also be supporting your state homeschool organization! 


To learn more about this annual assessment option and how to register for your portfolio review, click here!