How to Start Homeschooling in Maine

10 Steps to Start Homeschooling with Confidence!

1. Making the decision to homeschool requires a little research and discernment on your part. For an overview of homeschooling in Maine and answers to many common questions, watch a FREE "Start Homeschooling with Confidence" webinar. A Beginner's Bundle includes this webinar, as well as many more helpful resources! 


You can also view our Start Homeschooling with Confidence Video Series!


These FAQs will be helpful to you, too.


Have a high school student? be sure to register for Homeschooling High School 101.


For a more in-depth beginner's course, register for Start Strong Maine! 
2. Learn more about fulfilling the law. Read the summary that briefly outlines the requirements for homeschooling in Maine and review the steps to comply. Contact the HOME Office or your Regional Representative if you need some clarification.


Also, be sure to acquaint yourself with the concept of Education Liberty and learn to value and protect your freedom to homeschool! 
3. Join Home School Legal Defense Association. HSLDA provides legal information and counsel for hundreds of Maine families. They also assist with any regulatory and legislative concerns. Membership for Maine homeschooling families is highly recommended. Even if your funds do not seem to work directly for your benefit, you can be sure that they are working to benefit us as a state and as a nation. Save on a one-year membership through HOME's Group Discount.
4. Subscribe to HOMEschooling in Maine and HOME Email Updates. These resources keep you informed of state and national news, and annual events and field trips. Also, they provide interesting and informative articles on a variety of homeschool topics.


Join HOME on Facebook, too! HOME also has various special interest Facebook groups. Be sure to check those out on our website. There is one especially for beginners.


These avenues of support will keep you updated and connected with all that is going on in the Maine homeschooling community. 

5. Choose your curriculumThere are so many choices here! It can seem overwhelming. For an affordable, all-in-one curriculum and resource library to get you going, consider This program is for all ages, all grades and covers all subjects!  


For more curriculum guidance, take some of the steps below:

6. Plan ahead for annual assessments. Maine law requires homeschoolers to submit the results of assessments, annually. This can sometimes be a cause of stress for those who are just beginning. It needn't be! Read more about the options for assessment and let us know how we can help. Also, order a pre-assembled portfolio to aid you in your planning, record-keeping and preparation for annual assessments. Ordering a Beginner's Bundle or High School Bundle includes this resource and a huge savings! This webinar will be an encouragement, too!
7. Get organized. Decide when, where, and how you will homeschool. A routine and a little organization will help you to accomplish your goals. For example, your day might begin with chores, a quiet devotional time and "formal" schoolwork. After lunch might be the best time for hands-on activities, projects and classes or activities outside your home. In the evening, you might plan to have family read-aloud time. Every family is different. During the first few weeks, you will find what works for you.


Print out this FREE resource to keep all your important homeschool contacts and links in one place.

8. Remember to be flexible and adjust when needs change. Life changes, people change, situations change. Feel free to adjust and allow for the circumstances of "real life" to enhance and not hinder homeschooling.
9. When money is tight, get creative! There are many ways to homeschool without spending a lot of money. For some suggestions, please visit Homeschooling When Life Gets Hard and read Homeschooling in Hard Times.

10. When you need support (and we all do), be sure to reach out! Others have walked this road before you. Continue to read, watch videos, listen to webinars and attend workshops. Take time for yourself, with your spouse, or take time out of the regular routine to do something special with the kids. 


Still feeling overwhelmed? Join Connie Albers for, Help! I Don't Know What I'm Doing!