Homeschool Quickstart

HOME is Here to Help!

Families choose homeschooling for so many reasons today, and sometimes it's all very unexpected! Where to begin? 


Your Easy Guide to Getting Started

1. View the videos below. 

3. Follow these 10 steps and reach out with your questions!



Homeschooling Short-term?

Sometimes families are in the middle of a move, extended travel, or experiencing health issues and need to consider a short-term, alternative plan for schooling. Homeschooling can offer consistency when life lacks routine and certainty for a season. HOME can help during your time of transition!

1. Be sure to follow the steps above to comply with Maine's homeschool law.

2. Enjoy the break from traditional schooling and embrace the opportunity to learn in a new way!

3. Join our Facebook group for support and information.

4. Explore some units of study that relate to your family's current situation or areas of interest!  


Not Homeschooling Just Yet?

Maybe your kids are at home temporarily due to illness or another situation. Welcome! Your temporary “homeschool” status may have left you reeling, but HOME is here for you during this time! 

1. Unless you have decided to homeschool, your children are still enrolled in public school, so you do not need to file a notice of intent or otherwise comply with Maine's homeschool law.

2. Enjoy this unexpected gift of time with your children—you'll experience some of the amazing benefits of a homeschooling lifestyle!

3. Join our Facebook group for ongoing support and information.

4. Relax and focus on the basics, OR take some time to dig deeper in an area of interest!

5. Explore the world of resources and opportunities available online.  


Start Homeschooling with Confidence Video Series


Before beginning the video series, consider downloading and printing the outline below for notetaking! 

12 Building Blocks for Successful Homeschooling
This sheet can serve as an outline and reference for you!
12 Building Blocks for Successful Homesc
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