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Dr. Brian Ray is likely the world's leading authority on home education research. In this video, Dr. Ray explains what the data and research show about the success of homeschooling and offers insight into why homeschoolers perform better!
The Facts on Homeschooling: It Works Really Well
NHERI conducts sound homeschooling research, is a clearinghouse of research for the public, researchers, homeschoolers, the media, and policy makers, and educates the public concerning the findings of all related research.
NHERI executes, evaluates, and disseminates studies and information (e.g., statistics, facts, data) on homeschooling (i.e., home schooling, home-based education, home education, home school, home-schooling, unschooling, deschooling, a form of alternative education), publishes reports and the peer-reviewed scholarly journal Home School Researcher, and serves in consulting, academic achievement tests, and expert witness (in courts and legislatures).