6 Ways to Incorporate Unit Studies in Your Homeschool

What is a Unit Study?

Unit Studies offer students a thematic approach to learning. Typically, all subjects are covered through an in-depth study of one central topic. Learning becomes an adventure with students becoming more engaged, excited, and eager to dig deeper. Topics can be introduced to spark interest or to develop a special interest.


While typically unit studies are best suited for the elementary grades, they can easily be adapted for upper or lower grades or used in a multi-grade setting.


This makes them a popular and practical choice among homeschool families with multiple children. Everyone learns together, but at their own level of ability or interest!


Incorporating Unit Studies into Your Program

There are lots of ways to use unit studies. Some families use this method exclusively throughout the

year. Others find that unit studies are better suited for a particular season or in certain circumstances.

Here are some ideas!

  1. Choose a unit study to supplement your existing curriculum. Maybe you’d like to dig deeper into an area that has captivated your student. Don’t be afraid to take a curriculum detour to delight your child!
  2. Motivate a reluctant learner with a project-based unit that fits with his or her interests. Children will spend hours and hours doing something they love. Allow them to choose the topic, keep feeding that interest, and watch learning start to move in all directions! 
  3. Is your crew a little curriculum weary? Give your family a break from the day-to-day routine to help avoid burnout. Lift spirits with some project-based learning, and then return to your program feeling renewed and refreshed!
  4. Start and end your school year with something special. Take a vote on the topics and plan for these times of enrichment. Add special field trips and activities to celebrate your school year and create space for family togetherness.
  5. Use the unit study approach with your struggling learner. Unit studies can be easily adapted to various abilities and learning styles. Because of the multisensory nature of a unit study, students with special needs can benefit greatly. Hands-on activities help learners to retain more, feel successful and enjoy the learning process!
  6. Is your family thriving with this approach? What a blessing! You can use the interest-led unit study method as your year-long curriculum. It’s affordable, flexible, and all-encompassing!

Find out more about unit studies and the many topics in HOME’s unit study collection. Try our unit study course, too!