HOME staff members work faithfully to answer phones and email communications, monitor legislation and plan amazing events for the homeschool community. In addition, they keep up an active social media presence, manage HOME's online store and attend to a thousand other details! You won't find a more dedicated group of homeschool leaders. HOME staff are homeschool veterans, too, They are readily available to offer support and encouragement for all those on their homeschool journey.
Ed and Kathy are the parents of four grown daughters who were homeschooled through the 12th grade. Their children have all moved beyond the secure walls of home to graduate
college, work within in the community, marry and have children of their own. After homeschooling their daughters for more than twenty years, Ed and Kathy are now helping with the homeschooling of
their twelve grandchildren!
In 1990, Ed and Kathy co-founded Homeschoolers of Maine in an effort to provide information, support and encouragement to homeschoolers throughout the state. Ed currently serves as President of
the HOME Board of Directors. Kathy oversees the daily operations of HOME. They reside in the town of Hope.
Find out more about the talented individuals who power HOME's mission.