Individual Unit Study Titles

Choose one or more for fun and learning!

HOME's unit studies cover everything from apples to sled dogs, Maine's rocky coast to the Revolutionary War. No matter the interests of your family, you are sure to find a title that will add a little bit of spice to your curriculum.

Use them to supplement or enrich your program, or as an affordable, year-long curriculum!


Unit Studies are available in both eBook and printed format. The suggested donation price for printed copies is $10.95 plus tax and shipping.  The suggested donation for eBook format is $4.



* All currently available titles have been recently updated and revised to include a career focus.


Don't see a title you want? Reach out with your idea for a unit study. If we choose your idea, you could receive a copy for free!


 Alexander Graham Bell and the History of the Telephone

This unit study is available just in time for National Telephone Day - April 25! Join us in exploring the history and evolution of the telephone from its inception to the present.  Get to know more about the man who is credited with its invention. (Included in Famous Americans with Maine Connections bundle.



As you enter the fall season, be sure to check out this unit study.  Are you planning your own field trip to a local apple orchard in your area? This study is a great way to cover the topic of apples across the curriculum.  You'll even take a brief look at missions work.  Want to know more?  You'll have to purchase your own copy to find out! (Included in the Maine Agriculture Collection and the Early Learner Collection.) (Now includes activites for your early learners and high school students as well.)


American Civics

In this study, your student will investigate their duties as American citizens.  A variety of aspects of citizenship will be explored.  (Included in the Government and Public Service bundle.)


NEW! Architecture

In this study, your students will explore the architecture of Maine’s historic churches and complete STEM activities that teach them simple architectural principles used in building these great structures.


NEWLY REVISED! Backyard and Beyond:  A Unit Study of Maine Wildlife 

Chickadees, salamanders and skunks, oh my!  This unit is designed to help children discover that wildlife is as close as their own backyard, as well as in the woods and animal parks around the state of Maine.  In addition to activities that cross various subject areas of the curriculum, it lists wildlife rehabilitators and suggests field trips to various wildlife programs around the state. (Included in the Natural Science Collectionthe Spring Nature Study Collection and the Early Learner Collection.)

(Now includes activites for your early learners and high school students as well.)


NEW! Boats and Boatbuilding

In this study, students explore boatbuilding, different types of watercraft and their importance in Maine history. (Included in the Travel & Adventure Collection)


(The) Character of Giving

In this study, you will learn more about people throughout history whose giving has changed the world for the better.  You will also create your own plan for giving that will have an impact on the community in which you live. (Included in the Government and Public Service bundle.)


Chocolate & St. Valentine

Choose this unit study for your Valentine's Day celebration.  This study leads you on an adventure to discover more about everyone's favorite sweet treat, chocolate!  And what about the man behind the holiday?  Who was St. Valentine?  What do our modern traditions of hearts and candy have to do with this man?  This unit study will lead you in exploring more about the man, the holiday, and our modern day traditions!  


FREE! Choose a Country

This unit study is a sample of what HOME Unit Studies are like. It's a very general study and allows the student to pick any country (or invent their own).  Research questions cover all the required subject areas.  It's a fun way to take a break from the daily routine and have an adventure in learning.


* This study is free to those who sign up to receive the HOME Email Updates (there is a box at the bottom of the home page of our website to sign up).  If you already receive the HOME Email Updates, but do not have this study, you can email Connie Overlock at and she will send it to you. 


NEW! Community Helpers

In this study, your youngest students will begin to explore the different community members who work to make the community a better, safer place to live including firemen, policemen, doctors, nurses, librarians, teachers and more. (Included in the Government and Public Service bundle and Early Learner Collection.)


BEST SELLER! Computer Proficiency 

It is rare to find a student today who is not computer proficient.  The real challenge for homeschooling parents is how to document this proficiency.  This study is designed to assist you in documenting your student’s learning in a way that will show their proficiency in computer related skills. (Included in the 5 Essential Unit Studies bundle.)


NEW! Covered Bridges

In this study, students will discover the history of covered bridges, the significance of its architecture, and the location of Maine’s nine covered bridges that still stand today! (Included in the Travel and Adventure Collection.)


Eleanor Roosevelt 

In this study, you will explore the life of Eleanor Roosevelt, her character, her commitment and the impact her influence had on others. (Included in the Famous Americans with Maine Connections bundle.)


FREE! Family & Freedom 

The family has been the foundation of every civilized society since the beginning of time. It is in families that we first learn about the origins and constructs of freedom. Within the confines of the family unit, individuals are molded and formed in the values that embody freedom. In every free society, there is a ruling body whose members were first formed in those values, which then serves to protect the freedoms of its fellow citizens. In this study, your students will begin to explore the foundations of freedom, what it means to be truly free, and what they can do to ensure   freedom for future generations. For more information and free access follow this link! (Included in the Government and Public Service bundle.)


Family Tree 

Do you have an interesting family tree?  Do you wish you knew more?  Using your family tree as a tool in homeschooling is a fantastic opportunity to make history personal, to make writing pertinent, and to develop skills such as storytelling, research and analysis.  This unit study will walk you through the process of discovering the roots and shoots of your own family tree and then using it to teach a variety of subjects. (Included in the Social Studies bundle.)


NEWLY REVISED! Farming: Then and Now

In this study, students will explore farming, past and present.  The study will look at various things related to farming in general, while encouraging a visit to your local farm, farmer’s market or farm stand.  It is an opportunity to move beyond online games like Minecraft into the realm of real-life farming. (Included in the Maine Agriculture Collection.) (Now includes activites for your early learners and high school students as well.)


Fine Arts

In this study, your student will explore the arts in a variety of ways from art appreciation to dance, culinary arts, digital art, and more! (Included in the 5 Essential Unit Studies bundle and the Full-Year Curriculum Package.) 


BEST SELLER! Forts of Maine 

This unit study is a generic format that allows students to explore one, several or all of the forts that once were (and in some cases still remain) along Maine's coastline.  Use this study alone or combine it with Maine's Rocky Coast and Lighthouses of Maine, for a great summer adventure in Maine Studies. (Included in the Maine Battlefronts collection.)


NEW! Grammar for Life

In this study, your students will learn the importance of proper grammar both in speech and in writing. Proper grammar is the foundation of clear and concise communication. Learning to speak clearly and communicate ideas through proper grammar will eliminate unnecessary misunderstandings and misinformation. (Included in the Full-year Curriculum Package)


Harvest the Sea: Lobsters and Seaweed

In this study, students will explore the subject of lobsters and seaweed as an agricultural resource in Maine. (included in the Maine Coast unit study collection.)



In this study, your student will begin to explore various aspects of living a healthy lifestyle, including physical activity and education.  Unlike most of our studies, this one is not broken down into the required subject areas, but rather into the major areas of healthy living.  While working on this study, keep in mind that visits to health practitioners are learning experiences, whether it’s a well child check, a trip to the emergency room, or counseling session.  Keep track of these visits, as well. (Included in the 5 Essential Unit Studies bundle and the Full-Year Curriculum Package.)


HOME for the Holidays

In this study, the student will explore Christmas traditions around the world while taking a break from the regular curriculum, yet still completing projects that fulfill Maine homeschool requirements.  


HOME Grown Gardens 

This unit study was originally intended to accompany the HOME program, HOME Grown Gardens. While we are currently not offering that program, the unit study makes a great stand-alone study! Looking for ways to expand the learning opportunities that happen as you garden with your students? This unit ties it all together with activities across the curriculum. (Included in the Spring Nature Study Collection.)


HOME Hikes

In this study, you will discover how a hike in a local preserve or state park can be a lot more than a physical education activity in your homeschooling day.  You’ll look at geography, literature, science, and much, much more.  Join us on a HOME Hike or consider starting one in your area.  The same general format applies regardless of the location. (Included in the Spring Nature Study Collection.)


NEWLY REVISED! Integrating Nature Study & Journaling Across the Curriculum  

If you think you don't have time to include Nature Study in your homeschooling day, you're missing an amazing opportunity for learning while having fun.  This unit study walks you through the brief study of ants, showing you how to take the concept of covering all your required subjects (and a few that aren't) while studying your chosen subject in nature. (Included in the  Spring Nature Study Collection.) (Now includes activites for your early learners and high school students as well.)


Joshua L. Chamberlain and The Civil War

As Maine residents and parents, we have the opportunity to bring history lessons surrounding the Civil War to life with our very own hero, Joshua L. Chamberlain.  Among other sites in Maine, a trip to the Joshua L. Chamberlain Museum combined with this unit study will provide a great springboard for a more in-depth study of the Civil War period in Maine's history.  This is a great supplement to any Maine Studies program, as well. (Included in the Exploring Maine with Unit Studies, the Maine Battlefronts Collection, and Famous Americans with Maine Connections bundle)


BEST SELLER!  Junior Legislator

Junior Legislators are acknowledged during Capitol Day events after completing a unit study designed specifically for use during Maine Home Education Week and Homeschool Day at the Capitol. The unit study can be used with students of all ages. Students will learn how a bill becomes a law in Maine, explore who our governing officials are, become familiar with the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and look at ways to show patriotism.  Although the unit study is designed for a specific event, it can also be used at any time to help with Civics lessons. (Included in the Government and Public Service bundle.)


 (The) Kennedys

In this study, students will learn more about the legacy of the Kennedy family and their significance in American history.  Questions will be asked in a way that will help students form their own opinions of people and events, while covering all the subject areas required of homeschoolers. (Included in the Famous Americans with Maine Connections bundle.)


NEWLY REVISED! Learning with LEGOs

Who doesn't love Legos?  Legos are far more than just blocks for play. HOME's Learning with LEGOs Unit Study will show you how to document the time your child spends playing with Legos as time spent learning.  This study also broadens opportunities for learning across the curriculum. (Included in the Early Learner Collection.) (Now includes activities for your early learners and high school students as well.)



Maine homeschoolers are required to cover library skills each year.  HOME has created a Library Skills Guide to assist you in completing this requirement.  This 15-page general guide will serve as an excellent springboard for your study.  It can be used during the course of a year or over several years, depending on the age of the student. (Included in the 5 Essentials Unit Studies bundle,  the Early Learner Collection,  and the Full-Year Curriculum Package.) (Now includes activites for your early learners and high school students as well.)


Lighthouses of Maine

Maine has 70 lighthouses!  Each one has its own unique story.  If you're looking for something fun and educational to do this summer, consider taking a trip along the coast of Maine and learning about some of these lighthouses up close and in person.  This unit study takes a general look at the things you can learn at stops along the way. (Included in the Maine Coast bundle.)


Longfellow and Revere

This unit provides opportunities to research the American Revolution, the writing of the Declaration of Independence, the classic poem "The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere" and the lives of both Paul Revere and the famous Maine poet, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. (Included in the Social Studies bundle, the Maine Battlefronts collection, and Famous Americans with Maine Connections bundle.)


Lowell Mills and Industrialization 

If you are learning about the Industrial Revolution in America, include this unit study as part of the process.  This 16-page guide contains information, ideas, activities and links that will help you explore, not just the Lowell Mills, but also some of the mills right here in Maine. There are activities for all the required subject areas, as well!  (Included in the Social Studies bundle.)


Maine Bicentennial: Celebrating 200 Years of Maine

This unit study is designed as a celebration of Maine’s bicentennial. How has Maine changed from its birth as a state in the union to its 200th birthday and beyond? Your student will explore Maine's history and be encouraged to complete a project on the history of Maine.  You will study Maine in its earliest days and compare it to the Maine of today. (Included in the Exploring Maine with Unit Studies bundle.)


NEWLY REVISED! Maine Ecosystems

From vernal pools to tidal pools, the redwood forest to the rainforest, ecosystems are all around us. In this study, your students will learn what makes up an ecosystem, some of the different ecosystems in Maine, and the factors that threaten them. (Included in the Spring Nature Study Collection.) (Now includes activites for your early learners and high school students as well.)


NEWLY REVISED! (The) Maine Potato

In this study, the student will explore the potato, a staple Maine crop.  It’s a chance to see it as more than a part of our dinner menu.  See what your children know before you begin and be amazed by what they learn through the exploration and discovery process of this study. (Included in the Maine Agriculture bundle.) (Now includes activites for your early learners and high school students as well.)


NEWLY REVISED! Maine's Agricultural Fairs

County Fairs have been the highlight of summer vacation for many families for years. With this unit study you can turn a summer holiday into a learning experience your whole family will enjoy. Your student will learn the history of fairs around the world as well as locally. They will discover the history of the ferris wheel, as well as other inventions that were debuted at world fairs. In addition, they will have the opportunity to enter one of the many youth competitions hosted at your local county fair. (Included in the Maine Agriculture Collection.) (Now includes activites for your early learners and high school students as well.)

Maine Sea Birds: Past and Present

Working through this study, you will explore the enchanting seabirds of Maine, including the now extinct Great Auk.  This is a great opportunity to talk about conservation and preservation of currently existing species that may be threatened.  If you include field trips, it will take students out onto the rocky shore allowing them firsthand opportunities to watch the amazing creatures that inhabit the Maine coastline. (Included in the Maine Coast bundle.)


Maine Studies Essentials

In this unit you will find resources to assist you in covering the Maine Studies requirement.  Homeschoolers are required to cover Maine Studies at some point between 6th and 12th grade.  From its history, geography, and government, to its natural resources, habitats and famous citizens, Maine is rich with art, culture and unique inventions that will give you a better understanding of the people and way of life that we call Maine. Use Maine Studies Essentials or as a resource to assist you in developing a Maine Studies course or choose the bundle for a complete course in Maine Studies. (included in the Exploring Maine with Unit Studies bundle and the 5 Essential Unit Studies bundle)


Maine's Rocky Coast

This unit study will take you on an adventure exploring Maine's rocky coastline as you study geography, natural science, marine life, and so much more. You'll find lots of great field trip ideas and educational opportunities to take along to the beach with you this summer! (Included in the Maine Coast bundle.)


Maine Towns: Discovering the Stories Behind the Names

In this study, we will take you on a tour of some of Maine’s unique towns. From towns named for foreign countries and Biblical cities, to towns named for US presidents and other historical figures,  Maine’s heritage is rich with a diversity of cultures, ideologies, and peoples, as evidenced in the names of many of our towns. In this study, you’ll be invited to choose one or several locations around the state to visit and learn about, as well as complete a final project about its counterpart. Whether you choose a town that shares its name with a famous historical figure, country or ancient city, you will learn about a rich heritage while uncovering intriguing facts about the state you live in.(Included in the Exploring Maine with Unit Studies bundle.)


NEW! Math for Life

In this study, your students will learn how math relates to everyday life, from expressions in art to grocery shopping. Seeing how math is used every day can be the springboard and inspiration your child needs to grow their math skills and increase their understanding of the math concepts that they will need to master for life as an adult. (Included in the Full-Year Curriculum Package.)  


Natural History: At a Museum Near You

In this study, the student will explore Natural History. What is it?  Why is it important?  Why are there entire museums dedicated to the subject?  And much, much more.  They will also learn about Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution, not as fact, but as theory, preparing them to better defend their faith in creation. (Included in the Natural Science Collection.)


NEWLY REVISED! Pancakes: A Unit Study on Blueberries and Maple Syrup

This study allows students to explore Maine’s maple sap and blueberry harvests, combining them into the fun theme of pancakes. (Included in the Maine Agriculture bundle.) (Now includes activites for your early learners and high school students as well.)


NEW! Rocks, Gems, & Minerals

In this study, your students will delve into the study of rocks, minerals, and gems.  It will include exploring geology, mineralogy, volcanology, and other areas that they may be interested in as a result.  Having a basic rock kit would be handy, but not essential, in doing this study. (Included in the Natural History Collection.)


Sea Glass

In this study, students will explore natural and man-made sea glass.  There is an abundance of resources on the subject, and it’s both beautiful and fun.  Who knew a trip to the beach could cover so much schooling? (Included in the Maine Coast  and Natural History bundles.)


Slavery, The Underground Railroad & the Maine Connection

As you study the Civil War, be sure to cover the Underground Railroad, including Maine's part in it.  This unit study will help you cover required subject areas while exploring Maine's role in helping escaped slaves on the road to freedom. (Included in the Social Studies bundle, and the Maine Battlefronts collection.)


Sled Dogs

February through March is dog sledding season in North America. Famous races like the Iditarod and local races like the CanAm Crown are all taking place during this time.  This unit study is a great cabin fever reliever!  You will learn about sled dogs and the work they do. Learn about famous sled dogs like those that aided in the Serum Run of 1925 from Anchorage to Nome. Incorporate Maine Studies, too, while learning about sled dog racing right here at home! 


NEW! Snow

Kids love snow; from building snowmen to sledding, and making snow angels. In this study, your students will learn more about snow including the snowiest place on earth, predicting snowfall, and people groups that live in snowy environments. So, grab your hats and mittens and come on this snowy adventure with us.


NEW! Space Travel

In this study, your student will learn about the history of space exploration. They will learn what makes a planet habitable, as well as the scientific elements that make up all living things.(Included in the Travel & Adventure Collection.)


NEW! Survival Skills

In this study, your students will explore different skills needed for survival in the outdoors, including finding shelter, starting fires to keep warm, foraging for food, purifying water and so much more. (Included in the Wilderness Adventure Collection.)


Teaching Maine Native Studies

In this study, students will begin to study the lives of Maine’s indigenous culture.  A more in-depth study is encouraged and can be done using the curriculum The Wabanaki of Maine & the Maritime.  This study is meant to set them on a course of asking questions, questioning history as it has been presented, seeing things from a different perspective, and considering the impact Europeans had on the indigenous people of Maine. (Included in the Social Studies bundle.)


NEW! Teaching Reading: A Stress-Free Resource Guide

In this resource guide, you will find ideas and strategies on how to approach teaching reading to your child. You will learn how to slow down and enjoy the process of watching your child learn to read. Teaching reading to your child can feel intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be that way! We have gathered many helpful tips, strategies, and activities in this guide that will give you the confidence to teach your child to read. (Included in our Early Learner Resource Collection)


The Province of Maine During the Revolutionary War

During the Revolutionary War, Maine wasn't a state. It was a province of Massachusetts.  Maine was not without a role in the war that formed our country.  In this study, students will look at key figures in the Revolution, including General Henry Knox and Benedict Arnold. (Included in the Exploring Maine with Unit Studies bundle, and the Maine Battlefronts collection.)



In this study, the student will explore trains and railways of Maine.   Where did lines run?  What purpose did they serve?  What has happened to them, today? (Included in the Travel & Adventure Collection.)


NEW! Trees

Trees are one of God’s most versatile creations. They are natural habitats to many animals, provide food for people and animals, are used for fuel, and provide shelter and homes for people. In this study, you will learn about the many kinds of trees and their uses, as well as dangers to the tree population. (Included in the Natural History Collection.)


NEW! Weather

In this study, your student will explore weather both locally and around the world. Together you will learn about different types of weather, what causes the weather you are having, and some of the tools meteorologists use to predict the weather. In addition, you will have the opportunity to create your own weather related experiments. (Also includes activites for your early learners and high school students as well.)


Wonderfully Made: A Unit Study on the Dignity of Human Life

$1 from the sale of this unit will go to Zoe Crisis Pregnancy Center to help support life. All human life is sacred. Men, women, and children of all nationalities are created in God’s image with unique characteristics and abilities. No two people are exactly alike! All have value in the eyes of the Creator. The belief in the dignity of each human person is foundational to a civil and moral society. In this study, your student will explore ideas and activities that relate to the sanctity of life and why we should care for and protect all those who can’t protect themselves. 


Year-Long Study Guide

Designed to guide you through a year of using HOME's Unit Studies as the foundation of learning for your student(s). Includes suggested unit studies for each month and a sample two-week schedule to help with planning. (Included in the Email Unit Study Course.)


Ordering Information

Click on the indivdual unit study links above to order from HOME's online store.  You can also order by mail using the order form below.


Mail-in order form
To order HOME Unit Studies by mail, please download the order form and make your checks payable to HOME. Mail your request to the HOME Office, P.O. Box 159, Camden, ME 04843.
HOME Order form.pdf
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